Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Filth Flarn!

I'm having one of those days. You know--the kind that makes you want to say naughty words? I'm still trying to decide whether to keep this blog PG-13 or let it all hang out. I think I'll keep it clean for now. It's all good, though. I expect to win the lottery any day now, and if nothing else, I will no longer feel like an elephant is sitting on my chest from all of the financial worries.

This was a boring post. Let's add pictures. This was a flannel quilt I made for a baby gift. The lighting isn't very good, but I did quilt wind swirls and grass and waves. You can almost see them. Wish I had taken better pictures. But as my mother always says, "Wish in one hand, shit in the other--see which one fills up first." Oops. There I went and used bad language anyway.


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